Sprite Animation Revisited

Last year I had blogged about animating sprite using Kinetic JS.
Code in that post was part of a simple game I had created. So the code specific for animating sprite was explained in snippets. A reader of that post contacted me with a request to provide a complete example. So I created a small demo of sprite animation only. If you are interested, you can download it from here. This demo animates images in the sprite sheet at a fixed location, it does not move the image. So I thought  it would be interesting to add motion to sprite images when they are animated.

First, take a look at the demo. Click on the Walk button to make the person walk. You can stop any time. If the person hits right side wall, then she falls, which is also simulated using sprite animation. I know the ‘walk’ does not look natural, but creating graphics is not my string point and this is the best I could manage.

Walking Speed : (Enter value from 1 to 10)

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