Docker Notes

I recently started using Docker and am very impressed with how easily you can set up environment to develop, test and deploy applications. It provides a virtualization environment, but unlike some of the other virtualization solution, Docker container  (runtime environment for your application)  is a process instead of a complete OS. It runs natively on Linux and uses a single virtual machine on Windows and Mac in which Docker containers run.

Using Docker you can easily create containers required for your application to run, for example containers for database, application server etc and easily deploy them to test or production environment. You can create images of your set-up and re-create the same setup constantly from those images. When you create a Docker image, it has to be based on some variant of Linux base image. You can browse Docker images at Docker Hub.

This post is not meant to be tutorial or detailed information about Docker. You can refer to Docker web site for that. As many of my other posts, this post is meant to be reference for me – about some of the Docker commands I have used so far. Continue reading “Docker Notes”
