Developing Database Applications with WebAppRunner

WebAppRunner is the Eclipse RCP application I created to run web applications as standalone desktop applications. I had explained earlier how this application could be used by creating a demo FileList application. In this post I am going to show how WebAppRunner can be used to create Database applications.

I have created a demo application, SQLiteApp.

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Hiding menu and tool bars in Eclipse RCP Application

I wanted to hide/show menu bar in my WebAppRunner Eclipse application, depending on settings. I figured getting menu bar manager and calling setVisible method would do the job, but it was not sufficient.

Eclipse checks visibility of each menu manager in the menu bar and even if one of them is visible, it would not hide the menu bar after calling setVisible(false).

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WebAppRunner – Run your web applications standalone

Last week I wrote a blog post about how Java objects can be passed to JavaScript code running in the SWT Browser control. I mentioned that I was working on an Eclipse RCP app that could run web apps as standalone apps in the SWT browser control.

That application is now ready. If you want to give it a try, download it from following links. The application is about 21 MB in size.

JRE is not packaged in the above application. You will have to download and install it, if you don’t have it already.

I have also created a sample app to show how a web page can call Java APIs. The application uses JDK File APIs to get list of files. Download FileListApp from here. Below is a screen shot of this application –

Continue reading “WebAppRunner – Run your web applications standalone”

Using Java Objects in JavaScript in Eclipse SWT Browser Control

I have been developing Eclipse plugins for more than four years now. I have implemented many features in the ColdFusion Builder, which is an Eclipse based IDE. Eclipse SDK provides a SWT Browser control which can be used within Eclipse plugin to display HTML files. Eclipse does not include any browser, but it uses the system browser- on Windows it is Internet Explorer and on Macintosh it is Safari. I have used this control mainly to display static HTML content or open a URL on a remote server, e.g. for executing ColdFusion Builder extensions written in CFML.

Recently I have been doing a lot of mobile application dev elopement, and saw how easy it was to invoke Java objects from JavaScript in Android. I have blogged about this in one of my posts, Creating Android Applications with HTML User Interface. This got me thinking that it would be nice if SWT Browser control would also provide some way to pass Java Objects to JavaScript. Turned out that it is possible.

Continue reading “Using Java Objects in JavaScript in Eclipse SWT Browser Control”