Using ReactJS with Babel and ES6

I wanted to create this post shortly after the last post about Setting up ES6+Babel+Gulp, but it got delayed for some reasons. Anyways ..

Though it is not very complicated to setup ReactJS to work with Babel, there are a few non-obvious things you need to be aware of, specifically the absence of  auto-binding in ReactJS when coded in ES6. Let’s create a small NodeJS project using Gulp –

Install following packages –

npm install gulp gulp-connect vinyl-source-stream browserify babelify babel-preset-es2015 react react-dom babel-preset-react --save-dev

In addition to packages installed in the last post, here we are installing react, react-dom and babel-preset-react packages.

The directory structure is similar to one in the previous post, except that we add views folder for JSX files.

  -- build
  -- src
    -- js
       -- views
    -- html
  -- gulpfile.js

Gulp ‘build’ task is modified to add ‘react’ preset to babelify and add jsx extension to browserify (we want browserify to process .jsx files in addition to .js files) Continue reading “Using ReactJS with Babel and ES6”
